Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Pedagogy and Praxis Day 17

I had so much trouble waking up this morning. I've gotten around 8 hours of sleep from the last two days combined. Luckily, I only had to come in and do STAR testing. So I was a zombie through the whole thing. I wouldn't even consider this a day of teaching. It was a big waste of time.

Then I had to do progress reports. BY HAND!!! PEN AND PAPER PEOPLE! PEN AND PAPER! My school is in the bronze age with the computers. The computer lab is running pentium 1's. More than half the printers in the school don't print. District doesn't do shit for us except make things more bureaucratic. I'm just happy I wasn't like other people that filled out the reports by hand. They had to copy out things by hand twice. I typed once and then copied it onto the progress report. It was just needlessly timeconsuming. We got to get more computers and more people on the computers.

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