Sunday, May 08, 2005

Allison and I went cake tasting Friday and Saturday. We first went to this ice cream parlor that also makes cakes. It was there we thought that maybe we should do an ice cream cake. Lots of times wedding cakes look good but taste ho hum. We are all about the taste. We both love food and we want to have good food at the wedding. So we came away from the ice cream parlor thinking that we were gonna get ice cream cake. But then on Saturday we went to this bakery and that pastry chef made super good cakes. So now we are thinking about going with her. Choices, choices, choices...

I have to say though, this has been my favorite part of the wedding planning. I mean I am well qualified for this job. At the bakery we came late to the appointment (Allison's fault) and so the baker gave away our cake spot. But she seated us anyways and brought out normal size pieces of cake. We were supposed to get smaller pieces and more variety. She told us we could go back later and try different flavors. We were also supposed to pay $10 for it but she gave it to us free. We took home a the huge amount of cakes.

We are thinking about doing a 2 or 3 layer cake with different flavors on the layers. I'm down with coffee type and fruit flavors. This has not helped with the diet.

...after the tasting on Friday, we went out to a bar with my coworkers. It was my meta co- teacher Amanda's birthday. This is the first time I've had a chance to hang out with the other teachers in a social situation. It was cool. I got to introduce Allison to them and vice versa. The staff is cool and friendly and lively. And I'm sure the drinks didn't hurt either. But Amanda told me about this crazy place to honeymoon in Cuba. The hotel surrounds this HUGE tree that is the size of a good sized building. Sounds interesting. That would be a sweet place to have a honeymoon. But I would want to stay there longer.

I would want to get to Cuba before Castro dies. Just to see what life is like under his regime. It is kinda fucked that he just gets to turn things over to Raul. Raul will probably run things through a coalition. But Cuba does get major props for having a well educated populace and healthcare. I would like to see the regime for myself though. I've been to Russia post communism and Communist China. I would like to see communism in Cuba. The world is such an interesting place.

1 comment:

Kira said...

isn't there already communism in Cuba - although really more socalism than anything else...and I'm totally with you on wanting to go to cuba before Castro dies.


uh yeah. thanks for the e-mail.