Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bobbin's comments to me

Dave,In response to your observations of the allocation of resources away from low income area parts of our country....It is obviously a truth, most would recognize this, but there has recently been some comparisons, by some very left organizations up here, that what is occurring, and what history will record, is a discrete and systemic form of that we are very much producing a society in which the elite, defined by monetary wealth, is sustaining and developing a society of "good traits", and eliminating those "bad traits" through poverty....there are of course many faults with this argument, but I think it is on the doorsteps of something profound....understanding the concepts of eugenics, then its not hard to realize that systemically our institutions protect what is considered "good traits", and in a capitalist society that is usually those who can "produce"....and essentially allowing those who do not fit into this model to die off by simply reducing resources, or creating new legislation that interferes with the ability of certain populations to live....some criticize this argument as an extension of Darwinian thought, that simply the survival of the fittest philosophy is at work, but personally I think there is something that extends from this concept of eugenics...I am still sorting it out.....I feel for a fact that this, mixed obviously with arrogant racist economic policies, is why the AIDS problem in Africa and Asia is simply being ignored by the western world....its natures genocide...I know it sounds horrible....but I am starting to realize that some of these head of states and their administrations actually think in this manner....anyways food for thought...would love to hear your thoughts....A fool speaks forcefully to everyone of those things he does not knowAn intellect speaks little and to few of all he knowsA wise man engages the intellect, learning all he knows and teaches the fool to speak less Bobbin

My good friend bobbin wrote this to me in a email then posted it at my request in the comment section. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Darwin which goes "If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin." While there are some positives to the capitalist system such as its innovation and better allocation of resources through the market. I believe not taking human life into account is its greatest problem. People are exploited for greater profit. Jesus said that you cannot serve both God and Mammon. The Capitalist structure is Mammon incarnate. Jesus also said that God will judge people by how they treat the least among us. The capitalist structure cares not a lick for those that cannot produce. So this Darwinian corollary of survival of the fittest among humans goes against Darwin's own beliefs and very much against Christian beliefs. Interestingly there were a number of US eugenicists in the bay area. Lewis Terman of the famed Stanford Binet IQ tests conducted those tests on people in Oakland. I agree with you though... I don't think the people in power give a crap about the poor and/or people of color.

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