Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Praxis of Pedagogy Day 40

Meta class today... they did presentations for extra credit. Half-ass effort presentations. I can tell by the presentations that the students didn't spend more than an hour prepping for it. One group of students just got up and read off information a paper they got from the internet. This is the problem with the internet, it makes students think that they don't have to find anything from the library and that everything can be done through a google search.

Then we had a student come up and do a presentation about the school rules. This led to an incredibly stupid debate about how the rules are messed up and students should be allowed to sleep in class, answer cell phones, and do their hair and makeup.

Then another student did an presentation/crap about how the metamorphosis class was terrible and useless and he didn't get anything from it. This brought up another stupid debate. As a collective class we were terrible. I am sure there were things that Amanda and I didn't do as well and could have done better on, but there were a ton of things that students did and didn't do that didn't help. More than half the students aren't passing because they haven't done anything. Homework hasn't been turned in, extra credit hasn't been done.... I need a drink.

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