Sunday, October 09, 2005

Internet interaction

The internet is a wonderful place. I was just chatting online yesterday and I was talking to a guy from nagaland in India. I had no idea there was such a place. Christians that look more Chinese than what you think of when you think Indian face. The guy said that his people are supposed to be from Thailand.

But this got me thinking that I would like to have my blog more interactive. I'm reflecting about my bad pedagogy so you can tell I need help. Any help, inspiring stories, interesting lesson plans, people to network with, things for kids to learn about, or whatever. I want to hear them. Please leave comments. I need more feedback on what I'm doing. I don't want to just hear "Great job, keep it up" not that there's anything wrong with that. But I'm willing to take constructive criticism too, with the emphasis on constructive. A guy's got feelings you know.

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