Friday, October 14, 2005

Day 76: The Praxis of Pedagogy

My principal bought me a soy mocha this morning. I realize I'm a coffee slut cause my day became 100% better. Anyways... in my first period after SSR I handed students out cards. They had C, W, B, N, and P. They stand for Church, Worker, Bourgeoisie, Nobleman, and Peasant. I got to be king so I put a chair up on a counter and sat down. Then I had them clear all the desks from the middle. The church and noblewoman got to sit on desks below me and the peasants all stood. Then I had peasants write down their yearly income. I told them they got $100 just to make it easier to count with. They wrote it on the back of the card. Then I took half of their income and divided it between me, the noblewoman and the church. Then we talked about the noblewoman being whimsical and wanting a new hairdo and taxing a bit more to get her hair done. After that I talked a bit about how those conditions led to the French Revolution. People power. Fuck paying taxes to take care of royalty fucks.After that we read the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man.

In second period I gave a test and then did my little spiel on subvertising. In 3rd period we finished the model minority myth and I had them pair up and create questions for the test from the reading. Then we finished up class by reviewing questions and answers.

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