Monday, February 20, 2006


The week after this is finals week. Then we start a new quarter. Hopefully I can do a better job next quarter than I did this quarter. I recognize that this is my first year but I really feel sorry for the kids that had to have me this year. I know that I didn't really do well for them. It is good that I've created positive relations with students but they also need the history. It was good that I got some curriculum to use too. Now I can mix the curriculum and the textbook along with outside readings. Though I'm not a big fan of the textbook it does have the facts and information that they need. I noticed that my quality of teaching is directly related to how much schooling I'm doing. Meaning that I was a better teacher when I wasn't in my credentialling classes. I had more time to devote to teaching, grading, and all the other crap.

Things haven't been so great for me lately. My work life, personal life, and academic life have all been suffering because I am overworked, overstressed, and burning out. Stress makes everything worse and feel more intense. So now I'm not doing well in 3 things and don't have the time or energy to make one of them better. Like Bilbo Baggins would say, "
Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread." If it wasn't for AL I'd be a total wreck.

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