Saturday, June 18, 2005

I was pretty pissed yesterday night. I needed a lot of time and beer and what to decompress. Usually when I come back from work I need time to decompress but yesterday... I was talking with Allison and it just boiled down to me being really really disappointed in students. Allison got done with school yesterday so we went out to our favorite Eritrean restaurant to celebrate.

I think the thing that bums me out the most is when I see kids that have crazy shit going on around them take things out on themselves. They just let the drama take over them and take control. Then to deal with the drama they just say fuck it to everything. They just want to have fun, get drunk or high, and forget it all. It bums me out a lot cause that's what I used to do. Actually shit I still do it to myself sometimes. It's sad.

But I also felt really dissed yesterday. My God... Reagan was right. Trust but verify! I went around showing students' work to different teachers cause I was totally paranoid and was thinking that they were all trying to put one over on me. They don't think that I talk with other teachers. So 3 students were caught in all... so far. One student lied again to me. Said that he had spoken to the principal and that she had said that he could do another paper. I said ok and told him 8 pages and another presentation. Then I went to talk to the principal and she said that she never said he could do another paper and that she wouldn't have usurped my authority like that. I'm thinking that I won't accept his paper on Monday cause of the continuous pattern of lying. I mean just fucking come clean. You got caught so just come clean and ask for fucking mercy. But after finding out that he lied again to me... fuck it. Then the other girl that I caught (not the one that turned in the same portfolio and helped me bust this whole fiasco) said to her CTM that she had shown me her senior project along with the final paper that she turned in. She of course never did.

The first student that I caught I respect more cause at least she sucked it up and is doing another paper without complaining or what. The other two kept trying to lie to me and others. That's not cool at all and I got no respect for that. I've called their CTMs and asked what they think about the situation. I also called my principal and left a message on her answering machine. I'll know what to do by the end of the weekend.

Little bastards!!!

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